Home. We’ll be spending a lot of time here this autumn. Making memories and embracing the heart-warming moments that unfold within its walls. The place where we feel the most like ‘us’, we will be exploring every corner of ‘home’. The beauty of the small details and personalised touches that make it unique and ours.

Each room has its own purpose – personality, even – and the first door we’re opening is to the lounge. The clue is in the name for this one, so take a seat, make yourself comfortable, and we’ll begin…

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Lounge Lovers

There’s no place like home, and the lounge or living room is at its heart. Squishy sofas, comfy cushions and low lighting, this room becomes our haven in the autumn/winter months. Gone are the al fresco days, and in are the cosy evenings. Aglow with candlelight, the ambience is immediately inviting, and the thought of leaving the house is unimaginable. We want to sink in, settle in and slow down. It’s the time and place for togetherness. A sociable space where entertainment is easy, and so is the mood.

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Light Entertainment

The room where we spend the most quality time with our loved ones, the lounge is the backdrop to many a story or memorable moment. From lively gatherings with friends, where records are played, maybe some singing and even some dancing to cherished family get-togethers playing board games and trying to play fair, to the ordinary evenings watching television together and discussing our favourite characters and plotlines. Whatever happens here, it’s where we go to gather, and there’s joy in every corner.

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The Great Escape

The lounge can also be a place to escape as much as to entertain, acting as the perfect spot to simply sit and be still. There’s a ritualistic element to setting the scene and preparing for the relaxation and rejuvenation ahead. We light a scented candle, filling the room with a spiced seasonal fragrance, and we layer up on fluffy blankets, throws and jumpers to keep us warm. Now we’re all set and ready to curl up with a good book, get lost in a story, flick through our favourite magazines, journal our days or note down plans for the season ahead.

Join us soon, as we leave the lounge and continue exploring our home.