The last, and certainly the most fun, room in Our Home, Our Playground, had to be the playroom.

A place where children (and even adults), can go to escape the everyday and create their own imaginary world, play is always order of the day here. Filled with laughter and joy, the playroom is where adventure and make believe really comes to life.

So, bring your imagination and step into the playroom.

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Toy Story

The magic of the playroom or play corner is the nostalgia that lies within it. It’s where imaginations can run wild, there are no rules and we are encouraged to just have fun. There is no place for practicality here, just playtime. Decorating it coaxes out our inner child, and it’s where colour and charisma are king – or queen.

Wooden toys, first trikes, treasured book collections, and personal hand-drawn pictures all remind us of our own childhood. Even walking past and catching a glimpse of the characters being created here brings a sense of unfiltered charm like no other room in the house.

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Indoor Games

After spending the summer months playing outside, when the leaves start to fall, along with the temperatures, children spend increasingly more time in the house. Rather than running around play becomes cosier, quieter, and certainly more creative.

They’re sat at the table colouring or creating, lying on the carpet playing train sets or hiding in make-shift dens making mischief. Break in play might mean hot chocolates with whipped cream and crumbly cookies sprinkled with warm spices. They’re happy to be inside for a change, as it holds the comfort of home.

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Costume Change

Autumn clothes are super playful with their earthy colours, cute prints and tactile textures. Think frilly corduroy dresses with little suede ankle boots, or chunky knits and plaid shirts over turn-up jeans. We add layers – but not too many that we interrupt play – and a whimsical bit of novelty too.

Seasonal motifs like acorns, squirrels, falling leaves, toadstools, and pumpkins etc… all come out to play making their way into little ones’ wardrobes. There’s real delight in getting dressed this time of year. They’re going to love it.